I sometimes wonder if people think about Heaven as much as I do. I think about it a lot. I often wonder what it’ll look like and how things will be. Maybe I think about it so much because I have a lot to look forward to when I get there. I have a lot of assets there that I dearly miss. I have 3 big brothers that will greet me with smiles and hugs. Oh how I will rejoice!
I have a vivid imagination, I always have. I see things in a different light. So when I read about Heaven in the Bible, I can imagine it. Have you ever thought about what it’ll be like to meet God? I know I have. I think God will ask us various questions about how we lived and why we did things that we did. I believe He will see the purity of our hearts when we recount our acts and He will know whether we are remorseful or not before we utter any words. I know it’ll all be different for each of us. I think the babies that died too soon will hold a different conversation with God than the rest of us will. I think they will get to sit in his lap and rub his cheek, soft giggles, and they’ll get to ask Him whatever they want. The aborted babies, vaccine injured, domestic violence victims, the ones who weren’t protected from the evil, they’ll get to ask Him who they would have been and what they would have accomplished had they made it in the world. Perhaps God will tell them “you my child, would have been a teacher, a mother, a doctor, or you would have been the one that found the cure for all cancer.”
I have a pretty good feeling there will be a scorning session with me because well, I don’t listen very well. I’ll probably be sitting right beside Jonah. The good Lord knows I’ve done my fair share of running from Him. I’m not sure if I’ve earned a crown or any jewels. God knows I like a little sparkle and I can only imagine the beauty His jewels will be but for some reason I don’t think my jewels will be those type of jewels. I think He’s going to hand me something far more precious. A box…a music box…a music box of prayers. A music box of all of the prayers that everyone has every prayed for me in my life. Can you imagine? What a beautiful jewel that would be to me! I would cherish it! I can visualize opening it up and hearing familiar voices from years past. As I write this, just envisioning it has big flowing tears down my cheeks. I don’t know that God could give me a more beautiful gift. Other than introducing me to my grandparents and Josh’s, as well as my first baby who I never met. I’m sure God has some pretty amazing gifts for us all. Just the gift of Heaven is enough for me. But the box, the box really has me mesmerized by what gloriousness it will hold.
Some of the most precious gifts ever given to me were homemade, handmade, or gifts from the heart, purely just a thank you card or thinking of you card. Listening to someone’s inmost deepest prayers for me is hard to fanthom. I’m sure everyone isn’t like me when it comes to praying, but I’m not your everyday Christian. I talk to God like He is my friend because well, He is. And I really don’t know how else to talk to Him. You see I may be good with words on paper but I’m a fumbly mess when it comes to speaking. Most of the time I just open up my heart and start talking. I probably don’t make sense a lot of times but God knows what I mean and He knows my intent. There are people that I take to God to petition for because they are tired, they are weary, and they are very broken. I don’t have beautiful words to say and I can’t quote a whole lot of scripture but God hears me anyway. I’m no where near perfect and I’m certainly not one who has done amazing deeds for Christ. I believe in Him and my hope rests in Him. I know that someday I’ll make it to those pearly gates and will be welcomed by some amazing Christian men who influenced my life far more than they ever knew. I can’t wait to wrap my arms around their necks and thank them for helping lead me the way. My prayer is that you have asked Jesus Christ to be your Savior so when you get to Heaven, God will hand you your music box of prayers. I hope you hear my midnight, fumbly voice crackin’ because I don’t have the right words…and you’ll know my heart hurt for yours.
“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”
Colossians 3:1-4 NIV
**Perhaps you don’t know Jesus as your personal Savior and would like to learn more about him. I’d love to help you out. Feel feel to send me a message and we’ll talk. God Bless you.
Love this! I just read all of your blogs. Can’t wait for your book!
Absolutely beautiful. I relate to much of it, so so much. It was a joy to read Julie.