My Rescue Story

I had an appointment in Little Rock one afternoon earlier this week. I did a little shopping afterwards and was later getting on the road than I intended. I stopped in a convenient store to grab an adult beverage. Knowing I didn’t really need it but giving in to the fleshly desire, I stopped anyway. I was at the counter about to pay for my drink and as I reached into my purse an uneasiness swept over me. Suddenly a masked man appeared, grabbed me by the arm, shoved me into the wall, and put a 9mm to my forehead. He started making demands when out of nowhere another man appeared. He briskly stepped between us and declared “that’s my girl!” He covered my body with his and shielded me to the front door. He stood between the robber and myself so that I could slip out of the door. I ran as fast as I could and as I jumped into my car, I heard shots ring out. My knees started to buckle and I began trembling all over. I somehow made it in into the car but my hands were shaking so badly that I could barely get the keys in the ignition. I didn’t know what to do but knew I needed to get somewhere safer. It could have been me but this man, this man I didn’t even know stepped between us and claimed me as his own. He saw me in a predicament that I could never get myself out of. This man stepped between me and death. Read that again. Between ME and DEATH. A cold, black pistol. One click away from my eternity. MY ETERNITY. I didn’t even know him, but I’ll never forget the man’s face. I owe him my life. He died for me. Who does that? I’ll tell you who does this. Jesus.

The above is purely fictional but eye opening when you replace the stranger with Jesus. Time and time again I fail Him. I delve in earthly things and He always, always, always, takes one for the team. He steps in and takes my sin. Over and over again. Day in, day out. How exhausting it must have been on that cross thinking of me and all the wrong He knew I’d do in my life. Yet He didn’t walk away, He stayed and drew His last breath for me. He stepped between me and the gunman and took a shot for me. One He didn’t deserve. I owe Him my life. We all do. Yet how much time and dedication do we actually give Him? You know the man who stepped in front of 10 billion bullets for us all. All of our bullets of sin. Do we give Him an hour or two on Sunday? Maybe just a couple of times a month. Do we say a quick blessing over our meal when we think about it? I’m no one to judge, I have so many faults of my own; especially when it comes down to time management and how much time I devote to God. It’s like having the best job ever. The pay is excellent, full time pay with benefits. Potential 401K out of this world! I reap the benefits of a full time job. I show up when I want and only give Him meager part time work. How will I feel when my job is over and it’s retirement day… when I stand in front of the boss man Himself? What will I say when I know He’s about to write out my eternal pension? There won’t be time for explaining, only time for sorrow.

I spend far too much time on social media or even google for that matter. More time than I do with God or studying His word. A few years back, I implemented this little change in my behavior. Before I let my feet hit the floor and before I touch my cell phone, I talk to God. Don’t talk to God, don’t touch the iPhone. How would you feel if you gave your life for someone and you eagerly waited on their call everyday. Imagine, really imagine it. Picture it. God watching from the windows of heaven. “Ahhh Julie is awake. She’s certainly is no morning person but I love her anyway.” As I open my eyes, I look at the time. I sleepily raise my arms and yawn. I get up and head for the bathroom. A few minutes later I emerge and grab my phone. No call to God. No thank you for this day. He doesn’t get a call from me until I bow my head before breakfast or possibly lunch if I skip breakfast. And there He waits for me. The man orchestrating my life is sitting their waiting on me to connect with Him. How heartbreaking this must be. I owe Him more than I can ever possibly give but He doesn’t make me feel like I owe Him anything. He doesn’t constantly remind me or throw it up to me. My heart knows and He just loves and forgives me anyway.

There I was, empty handed
Crying out from the pit of my despair
There you were in the shadows
Holding out your hand, You met me there
And now where would I be without you
Where would I be, Jesus
You were the voice in the desert
Calling me out in the dead of night
Fighting my battles for me
You are my rescue story
Lifted me up from the ashes
Carried my soul from death to life
Bringing me from glory to glory
You are my rescue story
(You are, you are
You’re my rescue story You are, you are)
You were writing the pages
Before I had a name
Before I needed grace
Singing songs of redemption
Every time I ran away
You were louder than my shame
And now where would I be without you
Where would I be, Jesus
You never gave up on me
You never gave up on me
You are (this is) my testimony You never gave up on me, You never gave up on me, You are (this is) my testimony You never gave up on me, You never gave up on me, You are (this is) my testimony You are, you are
You’re my rescue story You are, you are

Perhaps that doesn’t resonate. Imagine this. You are in a horrific car accident. Time is critical as the injuries you sustained are certain death. You have coded the 2nd time and one of the ER Drs starts to call your time of death. But there’s this one ER dr that won’t give up. He continues to do chest compressions when the other dr says “Man, they are gone. You’ve been doing compressions for 20 minutes.” But this one dr, he is fierce and relentless. His arms are weak but he continues on. After 90 minutes of swapping between pumping the manual breath into your lungs and compressions to your heart, your heart begins to beat on its own! He could have walked away from you and called your time of death, but he didn’t give up on you. What would you feel like you owed him? And that’s just for your earthly time. Earthly time…Not your eternal time. God has done His fair share of chest compressions on this sinner. All with intentions of spending eternity with Him. It’s time to quit recklessly driving through life as if we have an everlasting full tank of gas. Driving 90mph ignoring warning signs from God as if there is no end to the road. There is an end. There is a final destination and you get to choose.

**Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the above mentioned lyrics. I do, however, encourage you to give the song a listen. Rescue Story by Zach Williams